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Developing Christ-like Character through Competition
Spring Hill Christian Academy adheres to the belief that school athletics is an integral part of the educational framework of the institution and the program exists to support and compliment the mission and goals of Spring Hill Baptist Church and Spring Hill Christian Academy to “train up a child in the way that he should go.” Proverbs 22:6
It is a privilege to compete in athletics and to represent one’s team and school in a positive manner. Student-athletes should demonstrate respect on and off the field for teammates, coaches, officials, opponents, and fans. Student-athletes should be mindful that behavior represents not only themselves, but their teammates, fellow student-athletes, coaches, staff, faculty, administration, and, most importantly, the Lord Jesus Christ. Student-athletes should strive to combine their passion and competitiveness during competition with sportsmanship and ethical conduct. Such conduct demonstrates an understanding of the purpose of athletic competition at Spring Hill Christian Academy.
Our school is a member of the Suncoast Christian Conference.
Fall Sports:
Girls Volleyball: Junior Varsity & Varsity Teams
Boys X-Country: Varsity Team
Girls X-Country: Varsity Team
Our home admission pricing policy is as follows:
Volleyball home games - $4.00 adults and seniors
$3.00 students
Maximum Family Admission: $15.00
We usually have full concessions at all home games.
Winter Sports:
Girls and Boys Basketball: Junior Varsity and Varsity Teams
Spring Sports:
Boys & Girls Golf Teams
Intramural Sports:
Little Wildcats Basketball 2nd-5th Graders
Code of Conduct
Sports Offered at Spring Hill Christian Academy
Athletics Downloads
Physical Forms
The following physical form is required for participation in our sports program. It will need to be
submitted to the coach before participating in the desired sport.
FHSAA Pre-participation Physical Form
Our Academy offers girls and boys volleyball as a fall sport to our students.
We have varsity and junior varsity teams for each.
Congrats to the boys & girls X-Country team on 7th place in the conference!
Our Academy offers girls and boys basketball as a winter sport to our students.
We have both junior varsity and varsity teams.
Basketball Game and Practice Schedule can be found on the school calender under the "Student Life" tab.
Goooo Wildcats!